Sunday, 2 October 2011

Galapagos Day 1

The Galapagos does not disappoint.

Photos from today

After some flight delays resulting in some minor lack of sleep I landed on Balta Island and was greeted by Elizabeth another visiting librarian. We hopped on a bus to a little ferry that took us across a channel to Santa Cruz Island, my home for the next 2 1/2 months.

By that point I had already seen a couple frigget birds flying, a sea lion swimming around and a blue footed boobie diving for fish.

We went out for lunch when we got to Puerto Ayora and of course the famous little finches were everywhere.

After a nice dinner down an interesting street (I'll add the name later as I forget it right now), where they pull out all the tables from the restaurants onto the street, Elizabeth and I walked to the pier.  Swimming in the water amidst the glowing purple and green lights attached to the docks were a couple sting ray!

I really wasn't expecting to see so many animals that I had never seen before on my first day!

I think it's a pretty good start!

Elizabeth has already told me a lot about the library I will be working at.  It is small, underfunded and contains a very unique and specific collection of everything Galapagos.  Apparently the latest Galapagos Report is an exceptionally interesting read as it contains some information about a social study that was done here over the past few years.  It brings some insight into this primarily tourist driven town and its inhabitants.

Tomorrow; we will do a tour of the station, go see the giant tortoises and attend a gastronomic feast!


  1. Looks beautiful, can't wait to come see you!

  2. Glad you are there safe and sound! Enjoy and keep us updated!

  3. Hey! It's great to be here. I miss Canada a lot! This was magnified by the oven/stove not working last night when I went to use it and the terrible produce at the grocery store! But it's all been straightened out now. I have eaten (at home) and there is a market on Saturday's in town that has fresh produce. Can't wait until Saturday!
